Funding programs and grants for jobs, training, and social development projects

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Funding programs from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) are government grants and contributions that help support jobs, training, and social development.

On this page

Current and upcoming funding opportunities

Open to applicants that meet eligibility criteria. Consult funding opportunities for more information on eligibility criteria.

Status Topic Expected launch
period - Open
period - Closing
Apprenticeship Completion Grant Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a n/a
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a n/a
Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Families Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a n/a
Compensation for Employers of Reservists Program Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a n/a
Foreign Credential Recognition Program Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a n/a
Enabling Accessibility Fund - Youth innovation projects for Youth accessibility leaders Applications accepted People with disability Applications accepted 2023-06-05 2023-10-10

Closed funding opportunities

Funding opportunity Topic
Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability: Accessible Canada Partnerships – Phase 1 projects People with disabilities
Accessible Canada Grants funding - National AccessAbility Week People with disabilities
Apply for funding to support the labour market integration of internationally educated health professionals - Foreign Credential Recognition Program Career development and employment
Apply for funding to support workers and employers towards economic recovery - Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program Career development and employment
Apprenticeship Service Program – Intermediary Career development and employment
Black-Led Philanthropic Endowment Fund Children and families
Call for Concepts – Step 2 – Solicited Call - WORBE: Workplace opportunities: Removing barriers to equity Career development and employment
Canada Learning Bond - Grants and Contributions Pilot Project - Phase II Education Savings, Children and families
Canada Service Corps - Regional and Local Youth and students
Canada Service Corps Micro-grants Diversity stream Youth and students
Canada Service Corps Micro-grants stream Youth and students
Canada Service Corps Service Placements National stream Youth and students
Canada Service Corps Service Placements Regional stream Youth and students
Canada Service Corps: Projects for youth-serving organizations Youth and students
Canada Summer Jobs wage subsidy Career development and employment
Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy - Women in the Skilled Trades Initiative Career development and employment
Community Services Recovery Fund / National Funders Children and families
Early Learning and Child Care Innovation Early learning and child care, Children and family
Enabling Accessibility Fund - Early Learning and Child Care small projects People with disabilities
Enabling Accessibility Fund – Midsize projects People with disabilities
Enabling Accessibility Fund - Small projects People with disabilities
Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities Communities
Foreign Credential Recognition Loans Program Career development and employment
Foreign Credential Recognition Program – Innovation and skilled newcomer employment Career development and employment
Funding to support airport orientation and community-based services under the Migrant Worker Support Program Career development and employment
Funding to support skills development and training-to-employment for Indigenous people - Skills and Partnership Fund Aboriginal peoples, Career development and employment
Funding under the Community Workforce Development Program - Regional Stream Career development and employment
Funding WHVPF: The Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund Career development and employment
In-Home Support Pilot Project stream of the Age Well at Home initiative Seniors; Social development
Investment Readiness Program – Stream 1: Readiness support partners (Round 2) Social development
Investment Readiness Program – Stream 2: Ecosystem builder (Round 2) Social development
Labour Funding Program - International Trade and Labour Career development and employment
Literacy and Essential Skills Career development and employment
National operating funding stream - Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability People with disabilities
National report stream - Work Integration Social Enterprises Research Program Phase II Social development
New Horizons for Seniors Program - Community-based projects (up to $25,000) Seniors
New Horizons for Seniors Program - Community-based projects (up to $5,000) Seniors
New Horizons for Seniors Program - Pan-Canadian projects Seniors
Occupational Health and Safety Career development and employment
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities – National or Regional Component People with disabilities
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities - National Stream People with disabilities
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities - Regional Stream People with disabilities
Scaling Up for Seniors stream of the Age Well at Home Initiative Seniors; Social development
Sectoral Initiatives Program Career development and employment
Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness program Career development and employment
Skills and Partnership Fund Aboriginal peoples
Skills for Success Career development and employment
Skills for Success Program – Research and Innovation Stream Career development and employment
Skills for Success Program – Training and Tools Stream Career development and employment
Social Development Partnerships Program - Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative - Become a Western intermediary Children and family
Social Development Partnerships Program – Analysis and dissemination of the 2018 General social survey – Giving, volunteering and participating Children and families
Social Development Partnerships Program - Children and Families - Early learning and child care Early learning and child care, Children and family
Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families – Financial Empowerment of Low-Income People Children and families
Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families – Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Children and Youth Children and families
Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability - Performance and Accountability Framework People with disabilities
Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability - Youth leadership People with disabilities
Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component - Disability Inclusion Action Plan People with disabilities
Social Development Partnerships Program - Projects to improve Black-led organizations’ workplaces and community spaces Children and families
Social Development Partnerships Program Disability - Financial security People with disabilities
Social Finance Fund – Become a social finance wholesaler Social development
Solicited call - Canada Service Corps – Accelerator Micro-grants Stream Youth and students
Solicited call for funding for organizations to support development and enhance community vitality under the Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities (EF-OLMC) Communities
Solicited call for funding to provide loans and support services to skilled newcomers - Foreign Credential Recognition Program Career development and employment
Solicited call for funding to support workers and employers towards economic recovery - Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program Career development and employment
Solicited call for funding under the Community Workforce Development Program - National Stream Career development and employment
Solicited call for funding under the Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP) Skilled Newcomer Training Incentive Bond Pilot Career development and employment
Solicited Call for Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund - Step 2 Career development and employment
Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative - National Institute for People of African Descent Communities
Supports for Student Learning Program Youth and students
Sustainable Development Goals Program - Contributions Sustainable development
Sustainable Development Goals Program - Grants Sustainable development
Targeted Call for Proposals: Reaching Home - Indigenous Homelessness funding stream Aboriginal peoples
Union Training and Innovation Program - Innovation in Apprenticeship Stream Career development and employment
Union Training and Innovation Program - Investments in Training Equipment Stream Career development and employment
Women’s Employment Readiness pilot program Career development and employment
Work Integration Social Enterprises – Longitudinal Research Projects stream Social development
Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity People with disabilities, Career development and employment, Aboriginal peoples
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program Youth and students
Solicited process - Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE) Career development and employment
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women Career development and employment
Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care - Quality Improvement Projects Early learning and childcare
National Seniors Council - Supporting Canadians Aging at Home Seniors
Solicited call – Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities Program to support Canadians with a Learning Disability People with disability
Solicited call- Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability: Accessible Canada Partnerships – Expert capacity building support for phase 1 projects People with disability

Service standards

For most grants and contributions programs, we commit to meeting 3 service standards 80% of the time (under normal circumstances):

  • acknowledgment of proposals
  • notification of funding decisions
  • issuance of payments

Acknowledgment of proposals

We will issue an application acknowledgment letter within 14 calendar days of:

  • the end of the submission period
  • the date we receive an application when the submission period has no end date

Notification of funding decisions

We will issue a notification of funding decision letter within 12 to 22 weeks of:

  • the end date of the submission period
  • the date we receive an application when the submission period has no end date

Issuance of payments

We will issue payments within 14 calendar days of:

  • the date we receive a completed claim package for contribution projects
  • the start date of approved grant projects

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