Accessible Canada Grants funding - National AccessAbility Week - Closed

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

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Application period

This open call for proposals (CFP) will be open for 7 weeks. You can apply between February 4, 2022 and March 25, 2022 at 5 pm Eastern time. If you need help or accommodations (such as documents in an alternate format, for example large font, braille, etc), please send us an email before March 25, 2022 at 3 pm Eastern time.

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) expects to communicate decisions to applicants between May 2022 and June 2022.

For any questions, please contact us. Note that we will also be holding information sessions to help interested organizations’ participation in the application process.

Description of funding

National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) (which takes place every year starting on the last Sunday in May), is an opportunity to celebrate the valuable contributions of Canadians with disabilities. It is also a time to recognize the efforts of individuals, communities and workplaces that are actively working to remove barriers to accessibility and inclusion. The NAAW stream under the Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability Component (SDPP-D) provides grant funding to projects across Canada that raise awareness of the importance of accessibility and inclusion in different sectors and communities.

This CFP for NAAW funding will provide up to $1.62M over 2 years to fund up to 18 2-year grant agreements across Canada to help increase the participation of a diverse range of disability organizations, including small to medium sized disability organizations, and disability organizations which provide support to underrepresented communities, such as:

  • LGBTQ2+ persons/groups
  • Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC)
  • other minority communities representing diversity of Canada
  • rural and remote areas
  • Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) communities

The value of funding per project is a maximum of $50,000 per year (to a maximum of $100,000 per organization over 2 years).

ESDC will also consider funding up to $100,000 per year (to a maximum of $200,000 per organization over 2 years) for projects that:

  • have a national scope (delivered in more than one province or territory)
  • include 1 or more partnerships among diverse groups from within the disability community (for example, small to medium size disability organizations, organizations supporting different types of disabilities, and organizations supporting persons with disabilities with intersectional identities)
  • have the ability to provide accessible and inclusive services
  • provide information in both Official Languages

If you are applying for this maximum amount, please indicate in question 24 how you meet these criteria.

Note: You can only submit 1 application per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number or Business Registry number.

The limit of 1 application is important to remember if you have multiple offices using the same CRA Business Number or business registry number. For multiple applications submitted with the same CRA or business registry number, only the first application received will be considered.


The objective of this CFP is:

Increase awareness, including through National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) activities, to support the broader culture change objectives of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA). This CFP is for activities to take place during NAAW 2023 and NAAW 2024 including:

  • improving understanding and knowledge of Canadians on accessibility and inclusion
  • reducing stigma and attitudinal barriers towards persons with disabilities
  • sharing best practices and lessons learned related to NAAW activities within the disability community


To apply, your application must meet all of the following eligibility criteria.

Eligible applicants

In order to be eligible for funding, your organization must be at least 1 of the following:

  • not-for-profit or voluntary organizations serving persons with disabilities in the community
  • organizations and institutions supported by provincial/territorial entities (including educational institutions, schools, health/social services institutions) in partnership with disability organizations
  • sector associations (such as business associations), societies and academic bodies in partnership with disability organizations
  • Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) organizations (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities)

Note to organizations located and operating in Québec:

Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, The Québec National Assembly adopted an Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (RLRQ, chapter M-30). This Act provides, in particular, that all Québec public bodies must obtain the authorization of the Québec government before entering into any agreement with the federal government, one of its departments or government agencies, or with a federal public agency. Any entity that is subject to the Act is responsible for obtaining the necessary authorization prior to the conclusion of such an agreement. If your proposed project is successful, ESDC will allow a reasonable amount of time for you to obtain the authorization from the Government of Québec. If you are unable to obtain the required authorization in a reasonable amount of time, your application could be withdrawn.

Ineligible applicants

  • Individuals
  • For profit organizations
  • Provincial, territorial governments
  • Municipal governments
  • Crown corporations

Eligible projects

In order to be eligible for funding, your project must meet all of the following criteria:

  • meet the objective of the funding process to increase awareness by changing mindsets and influencing behaviours, for example projects should:
    • help improve understanding and knowledge of Canadians related to accessibility and inclusion
    • reduce stigma towards persons with disabilities, and
    • celebrate contributions of Canadians with disabilities to workplaces, communities and other aspects of Canadian society

Examples of possible projects:

  • annual awareness raising events during NAAW, such as:
    • arts and cultural events
    • speaking events
    • awareness raising products such as videos, social media campaigns

Eligible costs

Eligible costs are those considered necessary to support the purpose of the project. For this CFP, eligible costs could include the following:

  • wages and benefits
  • professional fees
  • travel and accommodations
  • materials and supplies
  • printing and communication
  • equipment rental/lease/maintenance
  • administration costs
  • capital assets
  • disability supports for staff of the recipient
  • accessibility services for events

Ineligible costs

Ineligible costs include the following:

  • project costs incurred before an agreement is approved and signed by ESDC
  • costs associated with ongoing general operating costs/service delivery (for example, regular telephone and heating costs, rent, utilities, property taxes, insurance, equipment for staff, audit costs, etc.)
  • costs incurred in preparing the proposal
  • construction/renovation costs
  • costs associated with fundraising activities/lobbying
  • staff salary bonuses
  • purchase of alcoholic beverages

How we assess your application

Priority will be given to projects that include plans for the participation of disability organizations in the overall project design and the delivery of associated activities.

Further consideration may be given to:

  • applications based on geographical distribution to obtain coverage across Canada
  • projects that support NAAW activities within underrepresented communities such as:
    • LGBTQ2 persons/groups
    • Official Languages Minority Communities
    • persons with disabilities in rural and remote areas
    • Indigenous populations (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit), and
    • minority communities including Black and other visible minority group
  • projects with multiple partnerships among underrepresented groups within the disability community. This includes partnerships with:
    • small disability organizations
    • organizations supporting different types of disabilities, as well as
    • organizations supporting those at the intersection of disability and other identities, such as:
      • Official Language Minority Communities (for example, Francophones living outside the province of Quebec and Anglophones living in the province of Quebec)
      • LGBTQ2+ persons/groups
      • Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit)
      • minority communities including Black and other visible minority groups

Letters of support from implicated partners must be provided at the time of agreement.

Steps to apply

Please read the complete applicant guide before filling out your application.

Applications must be received by March 25, 2022 at 5 pm Eastern Time. If you have any technical issues when applying, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible.

Create a Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account to apply online

To apply on line, you will need to create a Grants and Contributions Online Services account. It may take up to 2 weeks to finalize your GCOS account; you are strongly encouraged to initiate the one time GCOS account creation process as soon as possible.

GCOS allows you to:

  • apply for funding opportunities
  • submit claims and supporting documents
  • track the status of you applications
  • manage all your ESDC funding applications and approved active projects in one single GCOS account

Gather your supporting documents and information

Before submitting your application for funding, ensure that you have included all of the required documents in your application package. The following documents are required:

  1. completed Application for Funding (EMP5671) online, or in print

If your application for funding form is incomplete, your application may be deemed ineligible for funding.

Apply, submit and track the status of your application online using GCOS

  1. Read the applicant guide in its entirety as it describes specific information you need to provide for each question of the form.
  2. Apply online using GCOS

Apply by email

  1. Send your complete application package by email to:
  2. Indicate the following information in the subject line of your email(s):
  • name of your organization
  • if you have to send your application package in multiple emails, specify if it is part 1 or part 2

Note: there is a size limit of 13.5MB for sending emails. You may need to check if your email was sent properly containing your supporting documents. We will not accept cloud based documents or applications submitted via USB key, CD or other storage devices. Applications sent using such means will be deemed ineligible.

Apply by mail

  1. Send your complete application package by mail to:

Accessible Canada NAAW 2022 CFP

Coordination Unit mailstop 402

National Grants & Contributions Delivery Centre (ESDC)

Phase IV, 4th floor

140 Promenade du Portage

Gatineau QC K1A 0J9

PDF forms help

The application for funding form uses PDF technology.

To complete this form, you must download and save the document to your computer first.

Do not complete the form in your internet browser.

These forms require the latest version of Adobe Reader, version 8 or higher, including:

  • Acrobat Reader DC, or
  • Foxit Reader

They are only accessible through Mac or Windows computer systems. Mobile devices (smartphones or tablets) are not compatible with the form.

If you do not already have such a reader, there are several available on the Internet. The latest version of Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader can be downloaded for free.

If you are having issues or need an alternate format, please contact us.

After you have applied

You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt after you send your application by email. If you mail in your application, we will send you an email of notification within 21 days. Please retain the email in case you encounter technical difficulties.

We expect to notify you of the outcome of the review of your application within 16 weeks from the end date of the submission period (March 25, 2022).

Contact us

If you have questions or need accommodations, please email us at We will answer all questions sent before 3:00 p.m (Eastern Time) on March 25, 2022.

Information sessions

The Department will hold information sessions, for interested applicants to provide guidance on the application process, eligibility criteria, objectives of the funding and priorities. These sessions aim to further facilitate the participation of small and underrepresented disability organizations in the application process.

An overview of the program and its objectives will be provided during the session, as well as instructions on how to apply. Departmental officials will also be available to respond to your questions.

If you are interested in taking part in an information session, please send an email to We will provide you with the information and instructions on how to participate.

The dates for the sessions are as follows:

  • February 15, 2022 1 pm to 2:30 pm (Eastern Time)
  • March 8, 2022 1 pm to 2:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Sessions will be bilingual, with interpretation in both official languages. They will also be fully accessible and include American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART).


Capital assets

A capital asset is any single or composite asset that costs more than $1,000 (before taxes). It is not part of another product and you can still use it at the end of the project.

A composite asset is a group of assets that form 1 unit, where you need everything for the asset to work. A group of assets is a single capital asset if the total cost is more than $1,000 (before taxes).

For example, a composite capital asset is:

  • a personal computer with a hard drive
  • a monitor
  • a keyboard
  • a mouse
  • cables

Four chairs that each cost $300 are not capital assets because each chair works on its own. The chairs cost less than $1,000 (before taxes).


A group of people who share something in common. A community can be formed from geographic location, identity factors, shared experiences, or other attributes that create a sense of belonging or interpersonal connection among its members.

Diverse Groups/organizations

Diverse groups/organizations include:

  • small to medium-sized disability organizations
  • organizations supporting different types of disabilities
  • organizations supporting persons at the intersection of disability and other identities. This can include Official Language minority communities (for example, Francophones living outside the province of Quebec and Anglophones living in the province of Quebec), LGBTQ2+ persons/groups, Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit), minority communities including Black and other visible minority groups

Intersectional identities

There are multiple and diverse intersecting identity factors that shape our perspectives and experiences. Examples of intersecting identity factors that may intersect include but are not limited to, gender identity, sexual orientation, living with or have lived with a disability, racial or ethnic background.


A relationship between the applicant and another organization who are engaging and collaborating in this project. Partnerships are defined as relationships with recognized organizations that are willing to support the project. This can include providing expertise and organizational capacity to contribute, either in-kind or financially, to the project. This can involve:

  • linking or sharing information
  • resources (such as staff members; computers; etc)
  • activities, and/or
  • capabilities by different organizations to achieve joint outcome(s)

Projects are encouraged to involve a partnership-based approach to better represent a range of disability viewpoints and to maximize the scale and impact of investments.

Small to medium-sized organizations

For the purpose of this CFP, small to medium-sized organizations are defined as organizations with 1 to 9 (small) and 10 to 99 (medium) employees.

Underrepresented communities

Include, but are not limited to LGBTQ2+ persons/groups, Official Language Minority Communities, persons residing in rural and remote areas, Indigenous populations (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit), minority communities including Black and other visible minority groups, etc.

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