Call for proposals: Investment Readiness Program – Stream 2: Ecosystem builder (Round 2) - Closed

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Application period

Round 2 of this call for proposals was open from January 10, 2022 to February 18, 2022, at 3:00 pm Eastern daylight time (EDT).

Round 1 of this call for proposals was open from August 6, 2021 to September 16, 2021, at 3:00 pm (EDT).


Based on the success of the pilot program, the renewed Investment Readiness Program (IRP) will continue to advance Social Innovation and Social Finance (SI/SF) in Canada. It will support social purpose organizations (SPOs) to build their capacity to access social finance and a strengthened SI/SF ecosystem. SPOs are organizations with a social or environmental mission. SPOs straddle the charitable and non-profit sector and the private sector.

The renewed IRP will be delivered under 2 streams:

In order to further meet the objectives of the renewed IRP, organizations who are serving and/or being led by women, Indigenous peoples, Black people and other racialized communities, official language minority communities, people with disabilities and other equity-deserving group are encouraged to submit a proposal or express an interest in submitting a proposal for round 2.

The IRP supports the Government of Canada’s goal to increase inclusion and opportunities for participation of Canadians in their communities.

The total grants and contributions funding envelope for the IRP is $45,815,426. We anticipate that we will sign agreements with 20 to 30 organizations to deliver the IRP.

Round 1

The call for proposals for the IRP is done using a 2-round process. To allow for the continuity of the momentum from the pilot IRP, identified organizations that met the criteria were invited to submit their proposals during round 1. However, other organizations that met the criteria for this process could also choose to submit a proposal during round 1.

Round 2

Round 2 of this call for proposals will continue to explore options for new partners and projects that will help address gaps in meeting program objectives, particularly those that aim to increase the diversity and inclusion of the SI/SF ecosystem. Identified organizations that meet the criteria will be invited to submit their proposals during round 2. However, other organizations that meet the criteria for this process can also choose to submit a proposal.


The objective of this process is to fund organizations to build and strengthen the SI/SF ecosystem.

This funding will support projects that build and strengthen the SI/SF ecosystem in these areas:

The IRP seeks to reach SPOs that serve and are led by:

Organizations solicited for this funding

Organizations solicited for this funding must:

Round 1 - Organizations

We have identified 15 organizations that meet these criteria in round 1 of this process.

The following organizations, in alphabetical order, were identified and invited to apply:

  • Ajah
  • Buy Social Canada
  • Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet)
  • Common Approach to Impact Measurement, Carleton University
  • Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
  • Cooperatives and Mutuals Canada
  • Imagine Canada
  • Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
  • Native Women’s Association of Canada
  • New Power Labs
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Social Economy through Social Inclusion (SETSI)
  • Social Innovation Canada
  • Startup Canada
  • The United Church of Canada

Round 2 - Organizations

We have identified 10 organizations that meet these criteria in round 2 of this process.

The following organizations, in alphabetical order, were identified and invited to apply:


Eligible organizations may only submit 1 application for funding under this call.

Eligible applicants

Eligible organizations are those located in Canada and must be one of the following types:

Find information on funded grants and contribution projects in proactive disclosure.

Contact us

Should you wish to submit a proposal, or if you have questions or feedback on this process, please email us at before February 10, 2022 at 3:00 pm (EDT).

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