Funding under the Social Development Partnerships Program (Disability component): Building a stronger foundation for leadership of youth with disabilities: Application closed

Grants and Contributions projects affected by COVID-19

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Application period

Current status: Closed

This call for proposals ran from May 29 to October 31 2019, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Pacific Time.

Applicants should not start their proposed projects until:

  • they receive approval of their project from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
  • an agreement has been signed between the organization and a representative of ESDC

Please note that not all applications submitted under this process will be approved. Funding is limited. It is subject to budget considerations of ESDC and allocation of funds by Parliament.

Decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

Learn more about other funding opportunities

May 29, 2019 to October 31, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Pacific Time.

We anticipate that projects could start as early as spring 2020.

Application process

We recommend that you read the applicant guide carefully before you start completing your application. Not doing so could result in an incomplete application and rejection from this process. This applicant guide outlines:

  • The eligibility criteria, the assessment process and the steps to apply
  • A glossary with definitions for terms used in this Call for proposal
  • Instructions on how to best provide the required information in the application

Description of funding

The Social Development Partnerships Program (Disability) (SDPP-D) supports projects intended to improve the participation and increase the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society.

We are now accepting applications for projects aimed at developing the next generation of youth disability leaders while also facilitating succession planning and sustainability in the disability sector. Up to $50,000 per year (to a maximum of $150,000 over 3 years) in contribution, funding is available from SDPP-D for organizations to form a partnership between a national disability organization and an organization within or outside of the disability sector, that is actively engaging youth. The projects will provide meaningful leadership experiences to youth with disabilities or youth with lived experience. Projects can range from a minimum of 12 months up to a maximum of 36 months in duration.

Read the extra step for organizations located and operating in Québec.

Eligible organizations may submit only one application for funding in this process.

You may also be eligible for other Social Development Partnership Program (Disability) (SDPP-D) funding opportunities, such as the Financial security for persons with disabilities.


The key objectives of this CFP are to fund projects that will:

  • Provide youth with disabilities or youth with lived experience with a meaningful leadership experience (minimum of 12 months) in a national disability organization
  • Facilitate a partnership between a national disability organization and an organization within or outside the disability sector, that are actively engaging youth
  • Increase the organizational capacity of national disability organizations via the integration of youth into leadership roles

Eligibility criteria

Your organization must meet the eligibility criteria listed below to apply for this program. Otherwise, your application will not be further considered.

  • Your organization is a:
    • Non-profit organization
    • Indigenous organization (including band council, tribal council and self-government entity).
  • Your project does not exceed the maximum duration of 36 months.
  • Your project does not exceed $50,000 per year per project for a maximum of $150,000 over 3 years.

Other requirements

  • Your project provides a meaningful leadership experience for youth with disabilities or youth with lived experience within a national disability organization (see Glossary)
  • Your project provides youth with a meaningful experience that covers a minimum period of 12 months. This can be full time or part time for the project duration (see Glossary).
  • Your project is carried out via a proposed partnership between a national disability organization and an organization within or outside of the disability sector, that is actively engaging youth. (See Question 50 in the Applicant Guide)
  • If you are a youth-focused organization or an organization who actively engages with youth, your project partner should be a national disability organization (see Glossary and refer to question 22 in the Applicant Guide )
  • If you are a national disability organization, your project partner should be a youth-focused organization or an organization that is actively engaging youth (see Glossary and refer to question 22 in the Applicant Guide)

Note to organizations located and operating in Québec:

Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, The Québec National Assembly adopted an Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (RLRQ, chapter M-30). This Act provides, in particular, that all Québec public bodies must obtain the authorization of the Québec government before entering into any agreement with the federal government, one of its departments or government agencies, or with a federal public agency. Any entity that is subject to the Act is responsible for obtaining the necessary authorization prior to the conclusion of such an agreement. If your proposed project is successful, ESDC will allow a reasonable amount of time for you to obtain the authorization from the Government of Québec. If you are unable to obtain the required authorization in a reasonable amount of time, your application could be withdrawn.

Assessment process

We will assess your application based on the following criteria:

1. Project objectives (refer to Question 43 of the Applicant guide)

  • Your application demonstrates how your proposed project will work toward achieving the following objectives:
    • Provide youth with disabilities or youth with lived experience with a meaningful leadership experience in a national disability organization
    • Facilitate a partnership between a national disability organization and an organization within or outside the disability sector, that is actively engaging youth
    • Increase the organizational capacity of a national disability organization via the integration of youth into leadership roles.

2. Project activities, timelines and feasibility (refer to Question 44 and Question 50 of the Applicant guide)

  • Your application provides a clear description of each activity. Activities are relevant to the project objectives and demonstrate how they support the achievement of the project outcomes.
  • Your project activities are specific, detailed, and realistic.
  • Your project timelines are clear and feasible.
  • Your application secures a partnership. Proof of partnership is submitted through a letter of support from the partner organization.
  • Your application identifies how many youth with disabilities (or youth with lived experience) will participate in the project.
  • Your application clearly demonstrates how the project will provide a meaningful leadership experience to the participating youth with disabilities or youth with lived experience.
  • Your application describes how the project will help build the capacity of the national disability organization in including youth in its work.
  • Your application clearly identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities of each partner for each activity. (For example, who will be offering mentoring and coaching and how, etc.).

3. Project results and impact (refer to Question 45 of the Applicant Guide)

  • Your application includes, at minimum, the following outcomes:
    • Improved leadership capacity of youth with disabilities;
    • Established partnership between a national disability organization and an organization within or outside of the disability sector, that is actively engaging youth;
    • Increased awareness of all partner organizations about the realities of youth with disabilities.
  • Your project outcomes and outputs are specific, concrete, measurable, and demonstrate the impact (qualitative and/or quantitative), linking to the overall objectives of the project.

4. Results measurement indicators (refer to Question 46 of the Applicant Guide)

  • Your application includes results measurement Indicators for each outcome.
  • Your application describes how you plan to gather, measure, monitor and report on each individual result indicator.

5. Project budget (refer to Section B, Part 3 of the Applicant Guide)

  • Your project costs are reasonable, detailed and support the project activities.

6. Priority may be given to projects that

  • Address intersectional barriers faced by multiple vulnerable and marginalized groups (see Glossary).

Steps to apply

Application period

May 29 2019 to October 31 2019, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Pacific Time

Create a Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account to apply online

To apply online, you will need to create a Grants and Contributions Online Services account. We encourage you to begin creating your GCOS account as soon as possible as it may take a minimum of two weeks to validate and finalize.

GCOS allows you to:

  • apply for funding opportunities
  • submit claims and supporting documents
  • track the status of your applications, and
  • manage all your ESDC funding applications and approved active projects in one single GCOS account

Gather your supporting documents and information

Before submitting your Application for Funding, ensure that you have included all of the required documents in your application package. Not doing so could result in the rejection of your application from this process.

  • Application for Funding filled out in its entirety
  • Proof of partnership
  • Budget Detail Template: PDF format or Excel format

Apply, submit and track the status of your application online using GCOS

  1. Read the Applicant guide for this funding process to complete your application form as it describes specific information you need to provide for each question of the application form.
  2. Complete the Budget detail template (Excel format or PDF format).
  3. Apply online using GCOS.

Apply by email

  1. Read the Applicant guide for this funding process to complete your application form as it describes specific information you need to provide for each question of the application form.
  2. Complete the Application for Funding (EMP5523) and the Budget detail template (Excel format or PDF format) online or by hand.
  3. Sign the appropriate section(s). Print the signed page(s) only, scan and email them, as well as your application for funding form and your Budget detail template to If, you are unable to scan them, you can mail them to the address below. Clearly indicate in your email if further documentation will be coming by mail.

Apply by mail

  1. Read the Applicant guide for this funding process to complete your application form as it describes specific information you need to provide for each question of the application form.
  2. Complete the Application for Funding (EMP5523) and the (Excel format, 293 KB or PDF format, 47 KB) online or by hand.
  3. Print, sign, and mail the documents to the address below:

Mailing address

Social Development Partnerships Program-Disability: Youth Leadership submissions
Coordination Unit, Mailstop: 402
National Grants & Contributions Delivery Centre (ESDC)
140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 4th Floor
Gatineau, Québec  K1A 0J9

After you have applied

You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your application.

  • If you submitted your application through Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS), you will receive an acknowledgment immediately.
  • If you submitted your application by email, you will receive an automatic email acknowledgment to the email address you used to submit the application.
  • If you submitted your application by mail, you will receive an acknowledgment by email within 21 days of its receipt. The acknowledgment will be sent to the email address you provided in your application.

Contact us

If you have questions about this application process, send an email to Enquiries sent before October 31, 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time will be answered.

Information sessions

An information session will be held during the first 4 weeks of the intake period. Another information session will be held in Mid-September, 2019. Interested applicants can participate by teleconference. If you are interested, send an email to In your email, specify your preferred language (English or French) and if you require accessibility accommodations.


Capacity building

Activities or actions put in place to support and strengthen core activities within an organization in order to improve its performance, support its operations, thrive in achieving its mandate, create partnerships, demonstrate results and impact towards the improvement to the social inclusion of persons with disabilities and ensure sustainability of its services.


Youth leadership is both an internal and an external process leading to (1) the ability to guide or direct others on a course of action, influence their opinion and behavior, and show the way by going in advance; and (2) the ability to analyze one's own strengths and weaknesses, set personal and vocational goals, and have the self-esteem to carry them out. Both are associated with positive outcomes for youth.

Lived experience

A person with a disability and/or a person with a family member with a disability and/or a person who is providing caregiving to a person with a disability. Caregiving refers to all care that is required for a person's disability, other than the care provided by a healthcare professional.

Meaningful experience

Meaningful experience can take the form of an internship or mentorship. To be considered "a meaningful experience", the youth must play an active leadership role in the project (e.g. designing, planning, budgeting, implementing and evaluating) and must be exposed and participate to the decision-making processes in the national disability organization (e.g. participate in meetings with Board of Directors and/or different committees' meetings, present ideas at an Annual General Meeting). The experience should cover a minimum period of 12 months for the same youth, to provide a full annual work cycle within a not-for-profit organization, and could last for up to 3 years. This will ensure that the youth develop the skills that will contribute to their success in becoming the next generation of leaders in the disability sector.

National disability organization

An organization that is national in reach through active membership across Canada or network across Canada or regional and/or provincial/territorial offices across Canada. (For example, the organization offers activities in multiple locations across the country either through partnerships with other organizations or through the organization's provincial or territorial offices).


Relationship between the applicant and another organization engaged and collaborating in this project. Partnerships are defined as relationships with recognized organizations that are not only willing to support the project, but also have the expertise and organizational capacity to contribute, either in-kind or financially, to the project. This involves linking or sharing information, resources, activities, and capabilities by different organizations to achieve joint outcome(s).

Project duration

The project must be a minimum of 12 months and must not exceed 36 months in duration. Over the project duration, the youth experience must be for a minimum of 12 months for the same identified youth. The youth's experience can be full time or part time for the project duration. Should the project last for up to three years, more than one youth could participate.

Succession planning

Demonstrates how the project's results would have an impact on the organization's sustainability. For example, further job or mentorship opportunities within the national disability organization after the completion of the project; or formally including youth into the organization's succession and talent management plans.

Vulnerable and marginalized groups ("Intersectionality")

Some projects may recognize and address the intersectional barriers faced by young women and girls with disabilities, LGBTQ2 youth with disabilities, Indigenous youth with disabilities, newcomers with disabilities etc. More specifically, projects may identify another subset of the disability community and provide a compelling case why that subset is especially vulnerable.


Youth between the age of 15 and 30 who are legally entitled to work in Canada, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or individuals who have been granted refugee status in Canada. The youth should self-identify as a person with a disability or youth with lived  experience.

Youth-focused organization

Any group, organization or legal entity that serves youth through youth-centred program(s) and/or service(s), often where youth and adults work in partnership and share responsibility for decision-making, planning and project implementation.

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