Solicited process under the Accessible Canada Partnerships stream – Expert Capacity Building Support for Accessible Canada Partnerships Phase 1 Projects

Application period

The application period for this solicited process will be open for 4 weeks. Solicited organizations can apply between May 23, 2023 to June 21, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) expects that the project will begin in fall 2023.

Note: Only specified and invited organizations can apply.


The Accessible Canada Partnerships stream under the Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability Component (SDPP-D) provides contribution funding to projects. Those projects increase capacity and enhance leadership within the disability stakeholder community by:

  • taking action to remove existing barriers to accessibility and inclusion; and
  • preventing future barriers from emerging

Additionally, the funding aims to:

  • promote partnerships within the disability community; and
  • promote collaboration and partnerships between the disability community and other sectors

The main goal is to support the participation and engage persons with disabilities in the implementation of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and its regulations.

In February 2022, ESDC launched the Accessible Canada Contributions funding – Phase 1 – Partnerships projects CFP. The CFP closed in March 2022 and used a new innovative approach that provides funding to successful projects over 2 distinct phases. ESDC designed this phased funding model to:

  • ensure that the positive outcomes of successful Partnerships projects will be scaled up to reach more persons with disabilities, and
  • help establish multi-sectoral partnerships that will be necessary to sustain successful projects long after federal funding ends

Phase 1 is currently underway and is providing funding over 2 years (2022 to 2024) to 6 organizations. In order to consider these Phase 1 funding recipients for Phase 2 funding, organizations are required to:

  • submit plans to scale-up (for example, reach more persons, communities and sectors); and
  • sustain their activities over the long-term

ESDC has launched the current solicited process to identify 1 expert capacity building organization. This expert is to help the 6 Phase 1 organizations develop these plans. The value of funding for this project is up to a maximum of $300,000 over 1.5 years.


The objective of this solicited process is to provide funding to 1 expert capacity building organization that will:

  • work with Phase 1 Partnerships funding recipients to:
    • provide advice, guidance and tools to help them develop their scale-up and sustainability plans for the second phase of their projects
  • organize a knowledge exchange event for the Phase 1 Partnerships funding recipients to:
    • share ideas, best practices and lessons learned from activities undertaken in Phase 1; and
  • facilitate an external webinar for Phase 1 organizations to present their projects, share knowledge and lessons learned to the broader disability community

The successful project will begin in the fall of 2023 and end by March 31, 2025.

Find information on funded grants and contribution projects in proactive disclosure.

Organizations solicited for funding

ESDC used the criteria below to select the organizations that will receive an invitation to apply for funding:

  • alignment with the eligibility criteria for the Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability Component (SDPP-D)
  • have the ability to work with Phase 1 Partnerships funding recipients in both official languages (verbally and in writing)
  • have the ability to virtually deliver the services across Canada
  • have a track-record (two or more years of experience) in supporting and working with organizations or groups to scale-up and sustain activities; and
  • not currently receiving SDPP-D funding nor partnered or contributing to a currently funded SDPP-D project


This is a solicited process. Only organizations that received an invitation to participate are eligible to submit a proposal.

ESDC will only review proposals from organizations that have received an invitation to participate. ESDC reserves the right to invite additional organizations to participate in this solicited process. Incomplete applications may be screened out.

Not all organizations that apply will receive funding.

Contact us

If you have questions, please email us at before June 21, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. EDT.

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