Funding for the mid-sized projects under the Enabling Accessibility Fund: Closed

New flat rate costing and calculator to help determine the amount of eligible funding

Application period

You can apply between June 4, 2021 to July 29, 2021 at 5 pm Eastern time.

For any questions, please contact us. Note that we will also hold information sessions.

Description of the funding

Eligible organizations can apply for a minimum of $350,000 and a maximum of $1,000,000 (per project).

This program will fund projects that make communities and workplaces more accessible for persons with disabilities.

The Enabling Accessibility Fund will help creates more opportunities for persons with disabilities to:

  • take part in community activities, programs and services
  • access employment

Projects must be ready to start on or after April 1, 2022 and must be completed by March 31, 2024.


This funding supports projects that address the following objectives:

  • improve accessibility and safety for persons with disabilities in Canadian communities and workplaces, and
  • increase access to programs, services or employment opportunities that focus on a holistic approach in addressing the social or labour market integration needs of persons with disabilities


To apply, you must meet all the following eligibility criteria.

Eligible applicants

Your organization must be one of the following:

  • not-for-profit organization
  • residential housing specific to persons with disabilities as long as the projects are located in common spaces used by more than 1 person
  • for-profit organization provided that the nature and intent of the activity is non-commercial and does not generate profit
  • municipal government
  • Indigenous organization who represent and serve those who self-identify as:
    • First Nations
    • Inuit
    • Métis Nation
    • non-affiliated
  • territorial government

You can submit only 1 application. For multiple applications with a same CRA business or registration number, we will confirm with you which application you would like us to retain.

Organizations located and operating in Québec

If we accept your proposed project, you might need to get approval from the Quebec government before you can accept our funding.

Ineligible applicants

  • Federal and provincial governments
  • Public schools (primary and secondary)
  • Any project activities occurring on public school property (education is an area of exclusive provincial or territorial jurisdiction, accordingly schools have access to funding to support accessibility)
  • Public health care facilities and public hospitals (health care is an area of provincial or territorial jurisdiction, accordingly public health care facilities and hospitals have access to funding to support accessibility)
  • Crown corporations and entities that are controlled by a Federal provincial or territorial government
  • Residential housing organizations such as condo boards, co-op boards and other not-for-profit organizations that manage residential housing
  • Organizations who received funding through the 2018 mid-sized Enabling Accessibility Fund funding process

Eligible projects

Your project must meet all of the following criteria:

  • you must submit a complete application package before 5 pm Eastern time on July 29, 2021
  • your project must be prepared to start on or after April 1, 2022
  • your project would last no more than 24 months and end by March 31, 2024
  • you are requesting a minimum of $350,000 and no more than $1,000,000 for eligible activities
  • your funding request includes a minimum of $350,000 in accessible project activities to improve accessibility
  • your project activities are not:
    • on a federal or provincial property
    • in a public hospital or in a public health care facility
    • in a public school (or on school grounds)
    • in a private home or dwelling
  • you have provided a minimum of 1 letter from a person with disabilities within your community
  • you have submitted a work plan showing how you will finish the project within 24 months, by March 31, 2024
  • your project meet the 2 program objectives
    • if your organization is not currently using a holistic approach, you need to describe how you are planning to offer an holistic approach after the completion of your project
  • your funding request must show confirmed cash contributions from sources other such as:

Exemption: You do not need to have confirmed cash contributions if you are:

  • an eligible organization with project activities situated in the Territories
  • an Indigenous organization
  • an eligible organization with project activities located in a remote area

Activities that are not using a flat rate costs

For activities other than ramps, accessible washrooms, accessible doors, elevators, accessible lifts and pool lifts (those calculated using a flat rate costs), you must:

  • provide 1 quote for each project activity. If you cannot provide a quote, you must submit an acceptable rationale explaining why and a detailed explanation of how you calculated your project costs
  • describe how your activities increase accessibility and safety for persons with disabilities in Canadian communities and workplaces

Demonstration of accessibility

For a new accessibility feature, renovation or retrofit of an existing space, you must submit a digital picture of the project space to improve (GIF, JPG, JPEG):

  • your picture must demonstrate the accessibility barriers for persons with disabilities
  • if your project includes the construction of a new building, please submit a copy of the proposed plans showing the accessibility features
  • for an accessible information and communication technology project, you only need to submit a picture for the non-information and communication technology features of the project

Ineligible projects

  • Retrofit of motor vehicles for personal need or for the driver (for example, cars, vans, buses)
  • Construction, renovation or retrofit activities that aim to decorate or improve esthetics of a building or its surroundings
  • Construction, renovation or retrofit activities for personal use

How we assess your application

We will assess it using the following criteria:

Organization’s capacity

Your application shows that your organization has the capacity to successfully manage the project.

Project relevance

For activities other than ramps, accessible washrooms, accessible doors, elevators, accessible lifts and pool lifts (those calculated using flat rate costs), your application demonstrates how your project will:

  • increase accessibility, and
  • safety for persons with disabilities

For all activities, your application demonstrates how your project will:

  • enable Canadians with disabilities to participate in, and
  • contribute to their community and the labour market

Project activities and work plan

Your work plan demonstrates that your project is:

  • feasible within the budget and timelines provided, and
  • detailed with appropriate tasks, timelines and activities to show it will be completed within the time provided

In addition, your application:

  • demonstrates in your project timelines that the project:
    • is ready to start on or after April 1, 2022
    • will be completed by March 31, 2024
  • describes how your project activities will permit a barrier-free path of travel to reach the proposed project activities within the facility

Community support

Your letter(s) of community support:

  • demonstrate that your project will be beneficial to persons with disabilities and the community
  • include a minimum of 1 letter from a person with disabilities within your community

Project results

For activities other than ramps, accessible washrooms, accessible doors, elevators, accessible lifts and pool lifts (those calculated using flat rate costs):

  • describe the expected results of your project. They must be:
    • specific
    • concrete
    • measurable

For all activities, your application describes how you plan to gather, measure and report on results of your project

Project costs

For activities where funding is not based on a flat rate cost, the application package needs to:

  • demonstrate that the costs are:
    • reasonable
    • detailed
    • support the project activities

Funding priorities

If the program is significantly oversubscribed, priority may be given to:

  • projects submitted by Indigenous organizations
  • applications based on geographical distribution
  • organizations that have never received funding from this program

Useful information

New flat-rate costing and calculator

There is now an easier way to apply for EAF funding. The change will benefit those applying for the following construction activities:

  • ramps
  • accessible washrooms
  • accessible doors
  • elevators
  • accessible lifts
  • pool lifts

We apply flat rate costs based on the specifications of your construction. The flat rate costing estimates the amount of funding you could receive by entering information into the calculator. This replaces the need for you to provide external quotes or detailed project plans for these types of activities.

For more information, consult the flat rate information. You will find important information on accessibility standards which will help you plan and execute your accessibility project.

Note: The calculator is for all project activities including flat-rate. You must enter the total amount of requested funding in question 67 of the application form.

Projects with flat rate activities and non flat rate activities

You can request funding for flat rate activities and non flat rate activities in the same application form by using the calculator.

One quote from a certified contractor is required that outlines the costs for the non flat rate project activities. If a quote is not possible, a rationale is required explaining why the quote could not be provided and the details on how you arrived at the estimated costs.

You must complete the calculator for all types of project activities.

Project cost higher than anticipated costs for the project activities

Flat rate costing calculates based on standard accessibility projects and takes a number of factors into consideration. If there are known issues with your project that would impact the project costs, please provide this information in the additional information section in the calculator.

It is important to note that unexpected costs are frequent in construction projects. A contingency budget of approximately 20% of the total project cost is recommended to offset any additional costs that may arise.

Find more information about the flat rate costs.

Organizations who received funding from the 2018 EAF mid-sized process are not eligible

The EAF receives a high volume of project proposals from across the country each year. Project funds are limited. Therefore, all eligible proposals cannot be funded.

This year, to increase funding opportunities to a wider range of organizations, those that received funding from the 2018 EAF mid-sized process are not eligible for this funding process.

Steps to apply

Gather your supporting documents and information

  • application form
  • work plan
  • calculator for all activities (flat rate and non-flat rate)
  • letter of support from a person with disabilities within your community
  • digital pictures (if applicable)
  • quote(s) from a certified contractor or rationale (if applicable). You don’t need to provide quotes if your project is for:
    • ramps
    • accessible washrooms
    • accessible doors
    • elevators
    • accessible lifts
    • pool lifts

Apply by email

  1. read the applicant guide to complete your application form. This guides includes details for each question of the form
  2. complete the funding application form online or by hand
  3. complete the calculator electronically
  4. send your complete your application package by email to

PDF forms help

The application and the calculator use PDF form technology.

To print these high-quality PDF forms, you must have a PDF reader installed on your computer.

These forms require the latest version of Adobe Reader, version 8 or higher, including:

  • Acrobat Reader DC, or
  • Foxit Reader

They are only accessible through Mac or Windows computer systems. Mobile devices (smartphones or tablets) are not compatible with the forms.

If you do not already have such a reader, there are several available on the Internet. The latest version of Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader can be downloaded for free.

If you are having issues or need an alternate format, please contact us.

After you’ve applied

You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt of your complete application by email.

We will notify you in writing of the outcome of the review of your application within 18 weeks from the end date of the submission period.

We will not pay for any activities that start before April 1, 2022 and before you have a signed agreement with us.

Contact us

If you have questions or need accommodations, please email us at

We will answer all questions received at the email address noted above within 24 hours of receiving them. We will continue to answer all questions until July 29, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern Time.

Information sessions

We will hold information sessions in mid-June and in July. These voluntary sessions are for individuals who would like further information. You will be able to participate online or by teleconference.

We will also provide a demonstration of the calculator at the session and will be available to respond to questions related to it.

If you are interested in taking part in one of these sessions, please send an email to and we will provide you with the dates available and the instructions on how to take part.

In your email, please indicate if you would like to attend an information session in English or French. Also, please indicate if you require an accommodation to participate.


Accessible facilities
For the purpose of this funding process, an accessible facility is defined as:
  • all or any portion of a building, structure, workplace, passageway or park that offers barrier-free access for persons with disabilities
  • more precisely, facilities where persons with disabilities are able to reach, enter, access and fully participate in programs and services in a manner that is equal to persons without disabilities
Accessibility project activity
A project element that addresses a barrier to accessibility and directly contributes to increasing the degree to which an environment can be considered an “accessible facility”.
Confirmed cash contribution
Confirmed cash contribution means for example:
  • a fundraising that has already taken place and cash is in hand
  • a cash donation that has been received (not promised)
  • grants from other organizations or levels of government that are approved and cash is in hand
In-kind is not considered a cash contribution. In-kind could include equipment, services or labour that you receive without having to pay.
Holistic approach
A holistic approach is defined as offering or planning a minimum of 3 of the following services or programs for persons with disabilities:
  • employment preparedness programming and services is:
    • job search assistance
    • interview or job-skills support
    • career planning specifically for persons with disabilities
  • social inclusion community programming is:
    • arts and cultural programs or services that integrate community gathering and learning for persons with disabilities
  • sports and recreation programming is:
    • indoor and outdoor programs or services that accommodate mixed ability teams and individual sport or recreational activity for persons with disabilities
  • peer-led support is a group-facilitated learning and support program and services designed for persons with disabilities
  • professional intervention is one-on-one, group counselling or support services specifically for persons with disabilities
  • therapeutic support is spaces that have adapted equipment or support personnel, such as sensory rooms for persons with disabilities
  • virtual programming and service options refer to infrastructure that facilitates remote participation for persons with disabilities that conform with public health measures for physical distancing
  • life skills and transition support are programs or services designed to train or assist independent living specifically for persons with disabilities
  • culture programming and events are programs or services designed to:
    • promote and strengthen an individual’s cultural knowledge, understanding and participation specifically for persons with disabilities
  • workforce onboarding and retention programs refer to:
    • programs or services specifically created to integrate persons with disabilities into the labour market or retain them within the labour market
    • employment supports
    • workplace accommodation programs
    • re-skilling programs
    • career development
    • apprenticeship opportunities
    • employment retentions strategies
    • health and safety programs
  • educational support refer to educational programs and services specifically for persons with disabilities
Indigenous organization
Indigenous organizations include organizations who specifically represent and specifically serve those who self-identify as:
  • First Nations
  • Inuit
  • Métis Nation
  • non-affiliated
Remote area
A remote area is defined by a project location that cannot be reached by year round road or regular ferry. For example, remote communities in the Northwest Territories using ice roads during the winter would meet this definition.
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