Apply for funding under the Foreign Credential Recognition Program –Innovation and skilled newcomer employment: Overview

Grants and Contributions projects affected by COVID-19

Please contact your funding representative if your project is affected by COVID-19.

Current status: Closed

The application period for this call closed April 11, 2019.

This is the first step of a two-step application process. As this first step is a competitive process, please note that not all concepts submitted under this application process will be approved. Funding is limited and subject to budget considerations of the program, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and allocation of funds by Parliament. Applicants must not start their proposed projects until notified by ESDC of approval and an agreement has been signed between the organization and a representative of ESDC.

Decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

Learn more about other funding opportunities

1. Overview

The objective of this application process is to support the development and implementation of innovative and collaborative approaches that improve the integration of highly skilled newcomers into the Canadian labour market.

The Government of Canada is accepting applications from organizations interested in receiving up to $800,000 in funding from the Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP) per project that is up to 30 months in duration. Approximately 15 organizations will receive funding through this process.

Application process

The instructions for this process are outlined in six sections. We recommend that you read all of the sections before you start your application. Not doing so could result in an incomplete application and its rejection from this process.

This is a two-step process. In the first step, we invite you to submit an overview of your project concept. Note that this step is competitive therefore, not all applications will proceed to the next step. If your application is retained, you will be invited to develop a full project proposal. Specific instructions will be given to successful applicants at that time.


  • Step 1 – Project concepts: Thursday, March 7, 2019, to Thursday, April 11, 2019
  • Notification of decision on step 1: July 2019
  • Step 2 - Full project proposal: Summer 2019
  • Anticipated notification of funding decision: January 2020

Overview of key terms

  • An innovative approach is one that will test new programs, services, or systems, or rethink/adapt an existing approach to address specific barriers to the integration and employment of highly skilled newcomers into the Canadian labour market.
  • A collaborative approach is a partnering environment in which networking, consulting, and relationships are made with others to reflect a set of perspectives (for example, between sectors, regions, among employers, community/-non-profit groups, training providers, etc.). This supports the sharing of the benefits of a project (such as activities and results) while at the same time increasing the involvement of project participants or clients served. Involvement from partners can take the form of time, relevant resources and/or expertise to increase the success of the project. Partnerships may be formal or informal. A formal partnership refers to a written agreement that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each partner. An informal partnership refers to activities undertaken with another organization without a written agreement, for example sharing of information or resources.
  • Employment supports are services that improve the integration of highly skilled newcomers into the Canadian labour market. For example, mentoring.
  • A newcomer is someone who has been in Canada for a short time, usually less than 10 years (for example, Canadian Citizen, permanent residents and refugees with valid work permits).
  • A highly skilled newcomer is someone who holds an internationally obtained post-secondary degree, diploma or certification recognized in Canada, including apprentices.
  • Barriers to the integration and employment of highly skilled newcomers could include:
    • a lengthy or complex foreign credential recognition process
    • a lack of Canadian professional work experience
    • a lack of professional networks
    • insufficient labour market information related to specific occupations
    • a lack of sufficient supports for employers in hiring skilled newcomers, including small and medium-sized employers
  • Approaches that improve the integration of highly skilled newcomers can include, but are not limited to:
    • Systemic changes: Improving the credential recognition systems by focusing on streamlining regulatory processes and harmonizing occupational requirements.
    • Individual supports: Supports for highly skilled newcomers to help them integrate into the Canadian labour market.
  • In-kind contributions are non-monetary goods or services that are provided to the project by your organization or other sources. These sources cannot request reimbursement for these contributions. In-kind contributions may include donated equipment, materials, services or labour necessary for the proposed project that would otherwise have to be purchased and paid for. Only in-kind contributions that are deemed to be estimated at fair market value and contribute directly to the success of the project will be considered valid.

See the Foreign Credential Recognition Program website for more information.

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