Research institutes and facilities

Research institutes and facilities

Government research centres across Canada and how to partner with or access these facilities.

Services and information

Science research centres

An interactive map to locate science research centres in Canada by location and federal department.

NRC facilities

A complete listing of laboratories and research facilities managed by the National Research Council.

Communications research

How the government is advancing research in wireless technologies, specifically those focused on spectrum use.

Clean energy research and development centres

About CanmetEnergy's three research centres, their areas of focus and locations.

Networks of centres of excellence

Networks and partnerships that bring research and business resources together.

Agriculture and agri-food research centres

Centres across Canada where agriculture and agri-food research is conducted.

Fisheries centres of expertise

Regional and virtual centres of expertise from Fisheries and Oceans Canada focused on partnership and collaboration.

Fisheries research facilities

A list of institutes, laboratories and experimental centres managed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Health research institutes

About the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's 13 virtual institutes and their unique areas of focus.

Environmental science centres

A list of environmental science and technology facilities across Canada, each offering specialized analytical support.

Forestry research centres

About the Canadian Forest Service's state-of-the-art facilities for forestry research across Canada.

Defence research centres

About Defence Research and Development Canada's eight science and technology research centres across Canada.

Arctic research facilities

About the Canadian High Arctic Research Station and its role as a hub for science and technology in Canada's North.

Transport development

About Transport Canada's projects and partnerships in support of innovation in transportation.

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