Record your trips outside Canada

As a temporary or permanent resident, it’s a good idea to write down your trips outside Canada by air, land or boat, including day trips to the United States. You’ll need this information when you apply for a new Permanent Residence card and when you apply for citizenship.

The travel journal is an easy way to record trips outside Canada. Keep it with your passport or other travel documents. This is not an official document and we don’t need to see it. It’s just to help you remember your trips. You won’t need to send it to us with your application.

What to record

  • The date you left and the date you came back to Canada, even if it’s the same day
  • Countries you visited
  • Why you left – give examples like vacation, work, family, etc.
  • Include any day trips (less than 24 hours), including to the United States
  • When the journal is full, keep it safe and print a new copy

Example of how to fill out the travel journal

Shows the dates when the person left Canada and returned to Canada, which country they visited and why.
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