Guide 0158 - Application Guide for the Canadian Refugee Protection Portal (CRPP) 

Table of Contents

This is not a legal document. The explanations and definitions are not legal definitions. In case of a discrepancy between the language in this document and the relevant legislation or regulations, the legal text in the legislation and regulations prevails.

For legal information, consult the following documents:


Application guide

The application guide is a tool that provides assistance with the information you must provide in the portal.

Note: Information about the Basis of Claim Form and the refugee determination process can be found at the Immigration and Refugee Board.

Read the application guide thoroughly and then complete your refugee claim in the portal.

Symbols used in this guide

This guide uses the following symbols to indicate information of particular importance.

Required step
What you must do to have your application processed.
Important information

Important information that you need to be aware of in order to avoid delays or other problems.

Get more information

Where to get more information.

Note: Tips that will assist you with this application.

Before you apply

Who is eligible to have a claim for refugee protection referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board?

Canada offers refugee protection in Canada to those who fear persecution and who are unwilling or unable to return to their home country.

Officers receiving your refugee claim will decide whether it is eligible for referral to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), an independent administrative tribunal that makes decisions on immigration and refugee matters. The IRB decides who is a Convention refugee or a person in need of protection.

Your refugee claim may not be eligible for referral to the IRB if:

In addition, people who are subject to a removal order cannot make a refugee claim.


You may find the following definitions useful:

Convention refugee

Convention refugees are people who are outside their home country or the country where they normally live, and who are not able to return because of a well-founded fear of persecution based on:

Person in need of protection

A person in need of protection is a person in Canada whose removal to their home country or country where they normally live would subject them personally to:

When must I apply?

You can apply for refugee protection from within Canada at any time, as long as you are not subject to a removal order.

How to apply?

To apply, you should use the IRCC Portal.

You can only use the Canadian Refugee Protection Portal if:

If this situation applies to you, click the down arrow button found on the right of the “Status” column in the Canadian Refugee Protection Portal dashboard.


If someone else is helping you make your claim, they’re a representative. To be someone’s representative, they must provide the right forms to show they have your permission to handle your claim for you. A representative can be paid or unpaid. When you appoint a representative, you may also authorize IRCC to share information from your case with this person.

If your representative is helping you, but you’ll submit your own claim

You must

Your representative can

In this case, you must type your name and click the button to submit.

If your representative is submitting your claim for you

Before your representative can create your portal account, you both must sign the following documents:

These documents will authorize your representative to make a claim on your behalf. Find out why you need both documents signed.

Step 1: Complete the refugee claim

Important information:

It is a serious offence to give false or misleading information. The information you provide on your application may be subject to verification.

Be complete and accurate


Questions followed by “(required)” are mandatory and must be answered.

Complete all sections. If a section does not apply to you, write “Not Applicable” or “N/A”.

Answering all the questions to the best of your ability will assist us in the processing of your refugee claim and avoid delays.

Helpful information

Existing Claim

Question 1:

Have you already made a refugee claim? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “Yes” in question 1
    • and you already made a claim at the port of entry (and your examination was furthered by the CBSA, or if you were instructed by the CBSA to complete your claim using the CRPP), continue to question 2.
  • If you choose “No” in question 1, you cannot start a refugee claim in the CRPP. You must use the IRCC Portal.
Question 2:

What is your application number?

Enter your application number listed on the Acknowledgement of Claim letter you received after you submitted your claim to the CBSA. This number will start with an “XL” or “L”.

Question 3:

What interview location is listed on your Entry for Further Examination or Admission Hearing form?

Search for your interview location by clicking on the search icon and entering your interview location in the search bar. The interview location is listed under the “entry conditions” on the form.

Passport Details

Provide information on your current passport. If you do not have your passport information, enter “unknown” and upload an explanation in the “Additional documents” tab of the portal.

Question 4:

Passport number

Enter your passport or travel document number exactly as shown on the document. Make sure there is no space between each number or letter.

Question 5:

Country or territory that issued your passport

Search for the country or territory by clicking on the search icon and selecting the one that issued your passport or travel document.

Question 6:

Issue date of your passport

Enter the date your passport or travel document was issued by clicking on the calendar icon or entering it manually in this format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Question 7:

Expiry date of your passport

Enter the date your passport or travel document will expire by clicking on the calendar icon or entering it manually in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Place of birth

Question 8:

City or town where you were born

Enter your place of birth, including either the city or town as shown in your passport or travel document.

Question 9:

Country or territory you were born

Enter the country or territory of birth by clicking on the search icon or entering it manually, as shown in your passport or travel document.

Personal details

Question 10:

Surname/last name

Write your full surname/last name as they appear on your passport, travel or identity document.

Don’t use initials.

Question 11:

Given name/first name

Write all of your given names/first names (first, second or more) in full as they appear on your passport, travel or identity document.

Don’t use initials.

If none, leave this field blank.

Question 12:

Date of birth

Enter your date of birth exactly as it appears on your passport, travel or identity document by clicking on the calendar icon or by entering manually in the following format: DD/MM/YYY. If you do not know your complete date of birth, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown day and month or “1900” for the year.

Can a claim be made?

Question 13:

Are you in Canada right now? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Question 14:

Have you received a removal order since you entered Canada? (required)

A removal order can be a departure order, exclusion order or deportation order. If you received one of these orders but you haven’t had to leave Canada yet, the removal order hasn’t been enforced.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Question 15:

Are you a Canadian citizen? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.


Representative Information

This page will only appear if you answer “Yes” to the following question (Q. 16). If you answer “No”, the Personal Information page will display in the portal.

Only some people can charge you a fee or receive any other type of payment to be representatives. These people are called authorized representatives. We may return the claim if the person helping you is paid but not authorized, such as a family member, a friend, or a third party who doesn't charge a fee to help with a claim.

Authorized Representative

An authorized representative is someone who has a license to practice and give advice. You can check if a person is licensed to represent immigrants or to give advice:

Paralegals (Ontario only) must be members of the Law Society of Upper Canada.

Question 16:

Is someone else helping you make this claim? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Answer “Yes” if you have a paid or unpaid representative as defined in the Representative section above.

  • If you choose “No” in question 16, click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 16, a more detailed page will be presented.
Question 17:

Is an authorized paid representative making a claim on your behalf? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Answer “yes” if you are using a lawyer, consultant or are paying someone to assist you with submitting your claim on your behalf.

Question 18:

What’s their paid representative membership ID number?

If applicable, enter your authorized representative’s membership ID number.

Question 19:

What’s your relationship to your representative? (required)

From the list, select from the following:

  • Family
  • Friend
  • Other
    • “Other” includes lawyers, consultants and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
Question 20:

If you selected “other”, enter the relationship.

Enter the relationship with your representative.

Information about your representative

Question 21:

Surname / last name (required)

Enter your representative’s surname/last name.

Question 22:

Given name / first name

Enter your representative’s given name. If none, leave this field blank.

Question 23:

Firm or organization name

Enter your representative’s firm or organization name.

Representative’s telephone number

Click on

“Add telephone number”.

  • Under “Telephone type”, from the list, select your representative’s telephone type:
    • Residence
    • Cellular
    • Other

  • Under “Telephone number (required)”, enter your representative’s phone number in the following format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
  • Enter your representative’s “Dial code” and “Extension Number” in the corresponding blanks, if applicable.
  • Click “Submit”.

Your representative’s mailing address in Canada

Question 24:

Enter the following mailing information for your representative: (required)

  • Street number
    • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
  • Street name
  • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
  • PO Box *if applicable*
  • City or town
  • Province
  • Postal code, in the following format: X9X9X9
  • Email address, in the following format:

Personal Information

The name from the original log-in page will carry over, but can be changed.

Question 25:

Surname/last name (required)

Write your full surname/last name as they appear on your passport, travel or identity document.

Don’t use initials.

Question 26:

Given name/first name

Write all of your given names/first names (first, second or more) in full as they appear on your passport, travel or identity document.

Don’t use initials.

If none, leave this field blank.

Question 27:

Date of birth (required)

Enter your date of birth exactly as it appears on your passport, travel or identity document by clicking on the calendar icon or by entering manually in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. If you do not know your complete date of birth, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown day or month. For unknown date of birth, enter “01/01/1900.”

Question 28:

Gender (required)

From the list, select one of the following:

  • Female
  • Male
  • Another gender
Question 29:

Have you used another name in the past? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 29, continue to the Work Permit section (Q. 30).
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 29, click on “Add other name”, and enter the following:
    • Name type (required): from the list, select one of the following:
      • Nickname/alias
      • Previous name
      • Name before marriage
        • Surname/last name (required)
        • Given name/first name (If none, leave this blank)

Work Permit

Claimants 16 years and older may request a work permit. Work permits will be provided within one month of your claim being referred to the IRB and are free of charge.

Question 30:

Indicate whether you are requesting a work permit. (required):

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Guardian information

Question 31:

Does the claimant need a guardian because they’re unable to understand the proceedings or is under the age of 18? (required)

Note: If you do not have a guardian and select “no,” you do not need to answer other questions about a guardian - those will be greyed out.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 31, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 31, you must answer the following:
    • Identify relationship to the guardian
    • Guardian’s surname/last name
    • Guardian’s given name/first name (if none, leave this blank)

Guardian’s mailing address

Question 32:

Enter the following mailing information for your guardian:

  • Street number
    • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
  • Street name
  • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
  • PO Box *if applicable*
  • City or town
  • Province
  • Postal code, in the following format: X9X9X9


Question 33:

What's your native language or mother tongue? (required)

Search for your native (mother) language by clicking on the search icon and selecting the appropriate one.

Question 34:

Do you speak any other languages?

Search for any other languages you speak by clicking on the search icon and selecting the appropriate one(s).

Question 35:

What language do you want us to use during your interview? (required)

Search for the language you would like to be spoken in by clicking on the search icon and selecting the appropriate one. If you did not select English or French, an interpreter who speaks this language will be present at the interview.

Question 36:

Can you communicate in English and/or French? (required)

From the list, select one of the following:

  • English
  • French
  • Both
  • Neither
Question 37:

What language do you want us to use to contact you? (required)

From the list, select one of the following:

  • English
  • French

Any documents or correspondence given to you will be in this language.

Contact and residential information

Question 38:

What’s your current residential address? (required)

  • Street number
    • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
  • Street name
  • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
  • PO Box *if applicable*
  • City or town
  • Province
  • Postal code, in the following format: X9X9X9
  • Country
Question 39:

Is your mailing address the same as your residential address? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 39, then you must fill in the missing fields:
    • Street number
      • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
    • Street name
    • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
    • PO box *if applicable*
    • City or town
    • Province
    • Postal code, in the following format X9X9X9
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 39, then the mailing address questions are greyed out. Proceed to fill in the following fields:
    • Email address, in the following format: (required)
      • This is the email address we should contact you at, if necessary.

    • Telephone number, in the following format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx (required)
      • This must be a Canadian phone number and should be where we can contact you during the day. It does not have to be your own phone number.
Question 40:

Residential Address History (required)

Click on “Add an address” to list all the addresses you’ve lived at for the past 10 years (or since becoming 18 years old, whichever is most recent), starting with your current residence in Canada. Enter the dates in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Then enter the following information:

  • Street name and number
  • City or town
  • Province/territory/state/district, or enter N/A if not applicable
  • Postal code/zip code, in the following format: X9X9X9, or enter N/A if not applicable
  • Country/territory of residence
  • Status (Ensure you have entered the status you had while living at this address)

Click “Submit” at the bottom of this screen. You must then confirm you have the required years of history by first clicking “Validate dates” and then clicking on "Save and continue".

Travel Document

Question 41:

Have you ever had a passport? (required)

We need to know about all the passports you’ve had, even if you don’t have them with you or they have already expired. This will help us confirm your identity. Provide information of all current and previously-held passports (if it is known or accessible). If you do not have your passport information, answer “No” and upload an explanation in the “Additional documents” tab of the portal.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Click on “Add passport”, then answer the following questions:

  • What kind of passport? (required)
    • Ordinary/regular
    • Alien passport (issued for non-citizens)
    • Diplomatic
    • Official
    • Service (official government service, not diplomatic)

  • Which country issued your passport? (required)
  • What’s the nationality on your passport? (required)
  • Passport number (required)
  • Issue date of your passport (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Expiry date of your passport (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
Question 42:

Have you ever had another type of travel document? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 42, continue to question 43.
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 42, click on “Add travel document” and answer the following questions:
    • What kind of travel document? (required)
      • Certificate of identity
      • Refugee Travel Document
      • Red Cross Travel Document
      • A pass (laissez passer)
      • Seaman’s Book
      • Organization of American States (OAS) Travel Document
      • Other travel document

    • What kind of other travel document? (Enter details if you selected “Other travel document” above)
    • Select the country code that matches the one on your travel document (required)
    • Which country or organization issued your travel document?
    • Travel document number (required)
    • Issue date of your travel document (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Expiry date of your travel document (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY

Green Card

Question 43:

Are you a lawful permanent resident of the United States with a valid Green Card (alien registration card)? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 43, continue to question 44.
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 43, answer the following questions:
    • Enter your Green card (alien registration card) details
    • Issue date of your Green card, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Expiry date of your Green card, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY

Visa History

Question 44:

Have you held a Canadian visitor visa in the past 10 years? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Question 45:

Do you currently hold a valid US non-immigrant visa? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 45, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 45, enter the following information:
    • Enter your non-immigrant visa number (found on your visa)
    • Enter the expiry date, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Are you using a different passport for this application than the one you used to get your US non-immigrant visa? (If you select “Yes”, fill out the following information:
      • Passport number
      • Issue date of your passport, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • Expiry date of your passport, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY


Question 46:

Country or territory where you were born (required)

From the list, select the country/territory you were born.

Question 47:

City or town where you were born (required)

Enter the city/town you were born.

Question 48:

Which other countries or territories are you a citizen of?

Click on “Add country”, and enter the following information:

  • Country (required)
  • From date, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • To date, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
Question 49:

Do you have a national identity document? (required)

A national identity document is an identity card, commonly with a photo, issued by a country with official authority. Not all countries issue a national identity document. If you have one, provide your information.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No” in question 49, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes” in question 49, click “Add national identity document” and enter the following information:
    • Document number (required)
    • Date of issue (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Date of expiry, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Country or territory that issued the national identity document. (required)

Family member definitions

Your family members include your spouse or common-law partner, your dependent children and any children that are their dependent children.


Refers to either of the two persons (any gender) in a marriage legally recognized in the country in which it took place, as well as in Canada.

Important information

Proxy, telephone, fax, internet and similar forms of marriage where one or both parties were not physically present are not considered as valid spousal relationships under the Regulations nor are polygamous marriages. For more information, consult our policy on the legality of a marriage.

Common-law partner

Refers to a person who is living in a conjugal relationship with another person (any gender), and has done so continuously for a period of at least one year. A conjugal relationship exists when there is a significant degree of commitment between two people.

This can be shown with evidence that the couple share the same home, support each other financially and emotionally, have children together, or present themselves in public as a couple.

Common-law partners who have been in a conjugal relationship for at least one year, but are unable to live together or appear in public together because of legal restrictions in their home country or who have been separated for reasons beyond their control (for example, civil war or armed conflict) may still qualify and should be included on the application.

Dependent children

We assess your child’s eligibility as a dependant based on how old they were at a specific point in time, called the "lock-in date". This is usually the date we received your application. To see if your child qualifies as a dependant, we consider the age of your child on the lock-in date, even though your child’s age may change during processing.

Your child or the child of your spouse or common-law partner can be considered a dependent child if that child meets the requirements below on the lock-in date:

  • They’re under 22 years old, and
  • They don’t have a spouse or common-law partner

Children 22 years old or older qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

  • They have depended on their parents for financial support since before the age of 22, and
  • They are unable to financially support themselves because of a mental or physical condition

With the exception of age, dependants must continue to meet these requirements until we finish processing your application.

Not sure if your child is a dependant? Check if your child qualifies by answering a few questions.

If your child’s age was locked in on or before October 23, 2017, a previous definition of dependent children may apply.

Dependent child of a dependent child

Refers to children of dependent children of the applicant and those of the spouse or common-law partner, if applicable.

Note: For applicants who started an immigration process before August 1st, 2014, consult the page Definition of Dependent Children Before August 1st, 2014


Question 50:

Do you have any biological, adopted or step-children? (required)

This includes all children, regardless of age or place of residence.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, click on the declaration stating that you understand you are not declaring any biological, adopted or step-children, and you won’t be able to sponsor them if they are not declared. Then click “Save and continue” at the bottom of the page.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add child.”
  • By selecting “Yes,” a secondary claim will be created for the child. It is possible to delete the secondary claim from the dashboard, if you say “Yes” in error.

    Enter the following information:
    • Surname/last name (required)
    • Given name/first name
    • Date of birth, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. If you do not know their complete date of birth, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown day and month
    • Relationship (required)
    • Country or territory of birth (required)
    • Does this child have the same address as you? (required)
    • Will this child also be included in your refugee claim? (required)
      • This question only appears if the child is in Canada
      • If the child does not have the same address as you, enter the following:

    • Street number
      • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
    • Street name
    • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
    • PO box *if applicable*
    • City or town
    • Province, territory or state
    • Postal code/zip code
    • Country


Question 51:

If you were adopted, provide the details of your legal parents. You must enter the details for 2 parents, regardless of their gender. If you don’t have the mandatory information for one or both of your parents, write “unknown” in the field.

You must record 2 parents

Click on “Add parent”, and enter the following information:

  • Surname/last name (required)
  • Given name/first name
  • Relationship (required)
  • Date of birth (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. If you only know the approximate date of birth of your biological parents, enter the information and upload an explanation under the “Additional documents” tab of the portal. If it is completely unknown to you, enter “01/01/1900.”
  • Check the box if the parent is deceased and enter the following information:
    • Date of death, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Country or territory of birth (required)
    • Does this parent have the same address as you? (required)
    • What is this parent’s citizenship? (required)
    • If the parent is not deceased, enter the parent’s current address with the following:
      • Street number
        • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
      • Street name
      • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
      • PO box *if applicable*
      • City/town
      • Province, territory or state
      • Postal code/ZIP code
      • Country

    • What is this parent’s citizenship? (required)

Marital Status

Question 52:

What is your current marital status? (required)

From the list, select one of the following:

  • Married
  • Common-law
  • Divorced
  • Single
    • If you selected “Single,” scroll to the bottom to “Save and continue.”

  • Separated
  • Widowed
  • Annulled marriage
Question 53:

Date of marriage or start of common-law relationship

Enter the date in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY

Current Spouse or common-law partner’s information

Question 54:

Surname/last name

Write their full surname/last name as they appear on your passport, travel or identity document.

Don’t use initials.

Question 55:

Given name/first name

Write all of their given names/first names (first, second or more) in full as they appear on your passport, travel or identity document.

Don’t use initials.

If none, leave this field blank.

Question 56:

Date of birth

Enter their date of birth exactly as it appears on your passport, travel or identity document by clicking on the calendar icon or by entering manually in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. If you do not know their complete date of birth, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown day and month or “1900” for year.

Question 57:

Country or territory of birth

Enter the country or territory of birth by clicking on the search icon or entering it manually, as shown in your passport or travel document.

Question 58:

Current occupation

Enter their current occupation.

Question 59:

Do you live at the same address?

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, enter the following information:
    • Street number
      • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.
    • Street name
    • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
    • PO box *if applicable*
    • City or town
    • Province/state
    • Postal code/ZIP code
    • Country

  • If you choose “Yes”, the fields will be greyed out.
Question 60:

Are you including your spouse or common-law partner in this refugee claim? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

If you indicate ‘Yes’, you are including your spouse, a secondary claim is created and populated with your spouse’s information.

Previous marriages or common-law partnerships

Question 61:

If you have been in any previous marriages or common-law partnerships, enter the details of these relationships.

Click on “Add a previous relationship” if this question applies to you, and enter the following information:

  • Relationship type (required)
    • Married
    • Common-law

  • Surname/last name (required)
  • Given name/first name
  • Date of birth, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • From date, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • To date, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • If you do not know their complete date of birth, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown day and month or “1900” for year.

Education and work

This section is only available to primary and secondary claims where the person is 18 years of age or older.


Question 62:

Tell us about your educational background. Include your secondary and post-secondary schools and any other programs you have studied or are currently studying. (required)

Click on “Add education”, and enter the following information:

  • School/institution name (required)
  • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Level of study (required)
  • Field of study (required)
  • To, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Check the box if you are still studying at this school
  • City/town (required)
  • Province/territory/state (required)
  • Country/territory (required)

Military or Police Service

Question 63:

Have you served in a military unit, militia, civil defence unit, security organization or police force? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 64.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click “Add military or police service” and enter the following information:
    • Type of service (required)
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Conscript (mandatory military service) or volunteer service (required)
    • Your rank (required)
    • Your title (required)
    • Name and rank of your commanding officer (required)
    • Your duties (required)
    • Type of unit (required)
    • Name of unit (required)
    • Location (required)
    • Number of people you supervised (required)

Government positions

Question 64:

Have you ever held any government positions? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 65.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add government position” and enter the following information:
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Check the box if you currently work in this position
    • Level of jurisdiction (required)
    • Department/branch (required)
    • Activity or position held (required)
    • Country/territory (required)
    • City/town (required)


Question 65:

Tell us about your work history and other activities you’ve been involved in for the past 10 years. Don’t include anything from before you were 18 years old. You must not leave any gaps. Please enter a section for your activity in Canada, even if you have not yet found work. (required)

Click on “Add work”, and enter the following information:

  • Work/activity (required)
  • Job title (required)
  • Responsibilities
    • If your job title does not explain your work responsibilities, please explain what tasks you performed in this position.

  • Company/employer (required)
  • Level of jurisdiction
  • Department/branch
  • Activities and/or positions held
  • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • To, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Check the box if this is your current employer
  • City/town (required)
  • Province/territory/state
  • Country/territory (required)

Note: You will need to click “Validate dates” in order to click “Save and continue”. Validate dates will ensure that you have provided a 10 year history. Work history has many required fields that may not apply to you. You can enter “N/A” or “Not Applicable”.

If you did not work while travelling to Canada, include your journey to Canada as one entry in the following way:

  • In the date from field, enter the date you began your journey to Canada
  • In the date to field, enter the date your arrived in Canada
  • In the Work/activity field, choose “unemployed”.
  • In the country or territory field, choose the country or territory from which you started your journey.
  • Enter “various” in the City or town field.

Example for how to enter a journey that includes several cities or countries

Your journey to Canada involved the following dates and stops:

  • January 1-5, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey
  • January 5-18, 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany
  • January 19-26, 2022 in London, England
  • January 26, 2022 in Toronto, Canada

You would enter this journey as a single entry in your work history like this:

  • Date from: January 1, 2022
  • Date to: January 26, 2022
  • Work/activity: unemployed
  • Country or territory: Turkey
  • City or town: various

You will complete the details of your journey to Canada in the Transit routing to Canada section later in your claim.

If you did work on your journey to Canada, you can’t include your journey as a single entry. You must include all your work history details.

Travel History

Question 66:

Since the age of 18 (or the past 10 years, whichever is the most recent), have you travelled to a country or territory other than the one where you’re a citizen or where you lived before coming to Canada? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 67.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add travel” and enter the following information:
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • If you returned from your travel on the same day as you departed, you will need to enter the next day as your return date. (You may write that it was a day trip in "Purpose of Travel")
      • Due to current portal limitations, it is not possible to enter the same date in both the “From” and “To” fields (this will be corrected in the next portal update).
      • You may upload an explanation in Additional Documents if you wish to provide more details.

    • Country/territory (required)
    • Location (required)
    • Purpose of travel (required)
Question 67:

Have you ever stayed in Canada, or any other country, beyond the validity of your status, attended school in Canada without authorization, or worked without authorization in Canada? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 68.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add details” and enter the following information:
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Country/territory (required)
    • Details (required)
Question 68:

Have you ever been refused a visa or permit, denied entry to, or ordered to leave any country or territory? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add refusal or removal record” and enter the following information:
    • Date (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Country/territory (required)
    • Details (required)


Question 69:

Have you ever been convicted of any crime in any country or territory? (This includes driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.) (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 70.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add criminal conviction” and enter the following information:
    • Crime/offence (required)
    • Country/territory (required)
    • Location (required)
    • Date of conviction (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Length of sentence (required)
Question 70:

Have you ever been arrested or detained in any country or territory? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 71.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add an arrest or detention” and enter the following information:
    • Reason for arrest or detention (required)
    • Country/territory (required)
    • Location (required)
    • Detained from (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Detained to (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • If you were detained for less than 24 hours, enter the same date in the “from” and “to” fields.
Question 71:

Have you ever been charged, sought, or wanted for any criminal offence in any country or territory? (This includes driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.) (required)

If any of these date fields are required but not relevant, you may enter 01/01/1900 and upload an explanation in the Additional Information tab.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 72.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add offence” and enter the following information:
    • Crime/offence (required)
    • Country/territory (required)
    • Location (required)
    • Date crime committed (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Date charged (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
Question 72:

Have you ever committed any crime in any country or territory? (This includes driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Don’t include any of the crimes listed above.) (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add committed crime” and enter the following information:
    • Crime/offence (required)
    • Country/territory (required)
    • Location (required)
    • Date crime committed (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY


Question 73:

Have you supported, been a member of, or been associated with any organizations? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 74.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add organization” and enter the following information:
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Organization name (required)
    • Type of organization/Organization’s Objective/Mission (required)
    • Your activities and/or positions held within the organization (required)
    • Country (required)
    • City/town (required)
Question 74:

Have you supported, been a member of, or been associated with any organizations that uses, used, advocated or advocates the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious, or social objectives? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 75.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add organization” and enter the following information:
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Organization name (required)
    • Type of organization/Organization’s Objective/Mission (required)
    • Your activities and/or positions held within the organization (required)
    • Country (required)
    • City/town (required)
Question 75:

Have you been a member of an organization that is or was engaged in an activity that is part of a pattern of criminal activity? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 76.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add organization” and enter the following information:
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Organization name (required)
    • Type of organization/Organization’s Objective/Mission (required)
    • Your activities and/or positions held within the organization (required)
    • Country (required)
    • City/town (required)
Question 76:

Have you ever witnessed or participated in the ill treatment of prisoners or civilians, looting or desecration of religious buildings? (required)

If you were not a member of the military but witnessed these actions, you may respond “No”.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 77.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add event” and enter the following information:
    • Your actions (indicate whether you witnessed or participated) (required)
    • Country (required)
    • City/town (required)
    • Branch/place stationed (required)
    • From (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • To, in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • Your rank (required)
    • Your commanding officer (required)
    • Details (required)
Question 77:

Have you ever used, planned, or advocated the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, social or religious objectives? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 78.
  • If you choose “Yes”, provide your answer in the text box.
Question 78:

Have you ever had any serious disease, or physical or mental disorders? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, continue to question 80.
  • If you choose “Yes”, provide your answer in the text box.
Question 79:

Do you currently have any infectious diseases? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes”, provide your answer in the text box.

Claim Details

To expedite triage of your claim, please provide concise answers to these questions (answer space is limited). Greater detail can be provided in your Basis of Claim form and accompanying narrative.

Question 80:

Are you afraid to return to your country or countries of citizenship? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Question 81:

Why are you unwilling or unable to return to your country or countries of citizenship? (required)

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 82:

Why did you not move to another part of your country or countries of citizenship? (required)

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 83:

Did you ask the police for assistance in your country or countries of citizenship? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

Question 84:

If Yes: What was the result of the request for assistance?

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 85:

If No: Why did you not request the assistance of the police?

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 86:

Why did you not claim upon arrival to Canada (at a port of entry)? (required)

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 87:

Tell us how long you have been in Canada and why you did not apply for a refugee claim sooner. (required)

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 88:

Why did you decide to come to Canada (instead of another country)? (required)

Provide your answer in the text box.

Question 89:

Have you ever made any previous claims for refugee protection in Canada or at a Canadian visa office abroad, in any other countries or territories, or with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)? (required)

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click on “Add a claim of protection” and enter the following information:
    • Country (required)
    • Date (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
      • If you are unsure of the exact date, please provide the year and “01” for day and/or month.
    • Outcome of Application (required)

Travel to Canada

Question 90:

When did you enter Canada? (required)

This may be found in a passport stamp or as the issue date of a permit.

Enter date in this format: DD/MM/YYYY

Question 91:

Where did you enter Canada? (required)

Select the port of entry (POE) from the drop down menu. Or, if you entered between ports of entry, you may pick the province, e.g. Ontario – In Between POEs. You may search the drop down menu using key words such as “Vancouver,” “Pearson,” or “Bridge.”

Question 92:

What was your ticket number?

Enter details from your transportation ticket used for your entry to Canada. You may enter “unknown” if you don’t know or don’t have your ticket number.

Question 93:

Transit routing to Canada (required)

Click on “Add route” and enter the following information:

  • Trip part (required)
    • If your trip had multiple parts, select “Add route” for each part and include required details.

  • Mode of transportation (required)
  • Departure date (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Country/territory (required)
  • City/town (required)
  • Arrival date (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Country/territory (required)
  • City/town (required)

Refugee Background

Question 94:

Tell us about any family members you have in Canada.

This could be uncles, cousins, nieces, etc. You do not need to list family members who are a part of your refugee claim application or who have you provided details on earlier in the claim.

You only need to include those known to you or who you are in contact with.

Click on “Add family member” and enter the following information:

  • Surname/last name (required)
  • Surname/last name at birth
  • Given name/first name
  • Relationship (required)
  • Gender (required)
  • Date of birth (required), in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
    • If not known, enter “01” for day and/or month, and “1900” for the year.

  • Country of birth (required)
    • If not known, you may select “unknown” from the drop down menu.

  • Street number (required)
    • A number must be entered (even if unknown). You can enter “000” if unknown.
    • If your street number contains a letter (for example: 22B Main Street), enter “22” in Street number and “Unit B” in the Apartment or unit number.

  • Street name (required)
  • Apartment or unit number *if applicable*
  • PO box *if applicable*
  • City or town (required)
  • Province or territory (required)
  • Postal code (required)
    • If not known, you may enter “A1A 1A1”
Question 95:

Did someone help you come to Canada? (required)

This includes people who purchased your ticket, helped you get a visa or gave you a fraudulent passport.

From the options, select “No” or “Yes”.

  • If you choose “No”, scroll to the bottom and click “Save and continue”.
  • If you choose “Yes”, click “Add a person who helped you come to Canada” and enter the following information:
    • Surname/last name (required)
    • Given name/first name
    • Relationship (required)
    • Type of help (required)
    • Amount paid (required)

Step 2: Gather and upload documents

Documents to support your refugee claim

The list of documents you need to give us depends on how you answered the questions. Make sure the documents you upload are accurate and complete. Review them before you upload them.

Note: You can’t change or add documents in your application after you submit your claim in the portal. You can bring additional documents to your biometrics appointment or eligibility interview if you would like to include them with your claim.

Missing documents in your application

If information is missing or an incorrect document has been uploaded with your application, we may create a Canada Post Connect conversation for you (and your representative, if you have one) to request it. An email will be sent from Connect to the email address you provided in your claim (and to your representative, if you have one). Check your email regularly, including the junk/spam folders. You can submit any information we request securely using Connect. We will need the missing information to continue processing your claim. You’ll only receive an email from Canada Post Connect if your claim is missing information.

File name, size, and accepted formats

Make sure you name your file in a way that makes it easy to identify what document it is. The size limit is 4MB per file. Accepted file formats include .tiff, .jpg, .png, .doc, .docx and .pdf.

Required documents

If you started your refugee claim in the portal:

You must upload

Note: If the representative is submitting a claim for you, the Use of a Representative form and Declaration form should be combined into one scanned file and uploaded to the “Use of a representative” field in the “Document upload” tab of the portal.

If you started your refugee claim at the port of entry:

You have already submitted all documents required at this time. You can upload other documents listed below to support your claim.

Optional Documents

You can upload other documents in support of your claim, including:

Pieces of personal identification (IDs)

All identity documents and relationship documents for the principal applicant and for all family members who are in Canada and are included in the application for refugee protection. These documents can include identity, travel or other documents that you have with you now to support your claim, including documents that are not genuine, documents that you got in an irregular or illegal way or by giving information that is not true, and documents you used that do not really belong to you.

Example of pieces of personal identification include:

Note: If you do not have any documents that prove your identity, you will be asked to explain the absence of such documents at your eligibility interview. It is to your benefit to provide all supporting documentation.

Translation of documents

If your documents are not in either English or French, you must have them translated into the official language (English or French) that you have chosen for your proceeding. The translations and a translator’s declaration must be provided, along with copies of the documents. The translator’s declaration must include:

If you do not provide your documents in either English or French, they cannot be used at the IRB proceeding unless the Member (the person who hears the case and makes the decision) agrees.

For more information, please see the Claimant’s Guide on the IRB website.

Upload your documents

Upload each document under the corresponding document type. To find out more about each document and to add a document to your claim, click “Upload.” It may take a few minutes for your document to upload. Refresh the page shortly after you add each document to make sure it successfully uploaded to your claim. Mandatory documents must have a status of “Document Uploaded” for you to be able to click “Save and continue”.

Step 3: Submit the refugee claim

Consent and declaration

Click the two boxes to confirm that:

Electronically sign your application by entering your full name as it appears on your passport, travel document or identity document in the space provided. If you do not have a given name, leave the field blank.

Complete your claim

Click “Complete your claim.”

Note: Once you click this, you cannot modify or add information. Your claim will have a status of “Ready to Submit”.

Submit your claim

When you’re ready to submit your claim, return to your dashboard and click “Submit claim.” You can also find the date by which you must submit your claim on your dashboard. Make sure to submit by the date listed, or your claim will be deleted.

If you added a spouse, common-law partner, or any children to your claim, make sure to complete their claim. You can find their claims under “Secondary claims” on your dashboard.

Return to your dashboard to view the claim(s) submitted.

What Happens Next

You should return to your dashboard to save and print a copy of your Record of submission. This document contains all the details you submitted in your claim and confirms your claim has been submitted. You can find this document for each claim you submitted by selecting “View documents” next to the claim on your dashboard.

We’ll confirm there are no technical problems with your application before entering it in our system. After we confirm your application, we’ll add the information you provided to our system. Once this is done, you’ll find application numbers in your list of claims.

The portal will provide the status of your application up until the point a decision on eligibility is made.

When these statuses are updated and documents uploaded by IRCC into the portal, you will receive an email telling you that a change has been made to your account.

Note: It can take up to 7 days to add application numbers. If you don’t see one after 7 days, contact us through our web form to report the problem. You’ll need to know the reference number listed in your dashboard when you contact us.

For more information on the next steps, visit the After you apply page on our website.

Important information

Updating your contact information

During the application process, you must advise us of any change of address, telephone number(s) and email address immediately. Changes to your contact information should be made through the IRCC Webform.

Note: Once your claim has been referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), you must also advise the IRB of any change in contact information. Instructions on how to do this are included in the IRB’s “Claimant’s Guide”.

Protecting your information

Your personal information is:

  • available to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) employees who need to see it to provide the services to you, and
  • not disclosed to other organizations except as permitted under the provisions of the Privacy Act or the Citizenship Regulations.

For more information about the protection of your data, visit the Frequently Asked Questions/Help Centre.

Online services

For more information about the programs offered by IRCC, visit Immigration and Citizenship.

Need help?

If you need help, you can find answers to your questions by visiting the Help Centre.

There is a Help Centre Q&A that advises clients what to do if they are having difficulties using the portal.

If you can’t access the Internet from home or work, or you don’t have a printer:

If you are inside Canada, the method to submit your refugee claim is online. However, some clients may not be able to submit online for certain accessibility reasons. If you are unable to apply online, please see our website for further information:

Representatives may also contact IRCC through the Immigration Representative email mailbox:

Report a problem or mistake on this page
Please select all that apply:

Thank you for your help!

You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, contact us.

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